
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year, New Opportunities

Today is the last day of 2013, also the last day of the worst year of my life (so far at least). I've been thinking lately of all the shit I've gone through this year but honestly, I don't think I would undo a single thing that happened. Yes, I was diagnosed with an eating disorder, depression, relapsed in and out of self harm, lost friends, gained them, gained weight, but all of these things have helped shape and form me into the person I currently am and have become. If I had never gone through these experiences, I wouldn't know so much about myself, I wouldn't be as strong and brave, and I wouldn't have found out who my true friends are, and what my family turns into when it undergoes disaster mode. Now I'm not saying I enjoyed it, but without this past year, I would not be the same person I am right now. And honestly, I think I can finally say I am beginning to be happy with myself for who I am, not what I want to be or what anyone else wants me to be. Just for being Gracie. But at the same time, I absolutely don't want to go through that hell again. I have decided to make some new years resolutions, so I can really make goals for the year.

1. Become fully plant based (by the end of the year)--I have really enjoyed beginning this lifestyle and I believe it will continue if I keep going with it. Of course I will have some sneaky little treats here and there because it's all about finding the balance that works for you
2. Fully recover mentally from my ed--now this is no walk in the park, but everyday, I am getting closer and closer to mental recovery. I have achieved physical recovery and now I just need to finish it off and continue my life without doctors, calories, weight, or really any numbers of any kind.

I hope that by new years eve next year, I'll be able to say I have achieved both of these goals. I promise to work my hardest on these for the entirety of next year, and believe me, the second I feel I am fully recovered, you'll know. I'll make a post about this on instagram but if you'd like to share your new years resolutions with me, just tag me and I'll give them a read.

Much Love,

1 comment:

  1. I hope you achieve these goals Gracie! I'm close to recovering :) I wrote my resolutions here:
